- Welcome to Nightingale Kindergarten´s Newsletter -



Dear Families: ¡Our visit to the farm was a complete success!

The morning began, as soon as we arrived, with a delicious breakfast. Tea, home made bread, butter and jam. ¡We were so excited!

As you can see in the pictures below, we did lots of different activities such as milking “Aurora” the cow, feeding the sheep, goats, ducks and hens. ¡They even let us pet the bunnies!

The farm was very big, there was a huge garden, with lots of trees. One was down on the ground because of the storm, so we were able to climb onto it!

We also visited “Adriano” the donkey and “Josefina” the pig. ¡It was fun to see them up so close! ¡Most of us were courageous, so we could ride on horseback one by one!

The weather was beautiful, a perfect sunny day.
At lunchtime we all ate our pic-nics, it was fun for us to bring our own pic-nic boxes! We didn´t eat much, because we were too distracted with our friends.

After lunch, we played outside where there was a sand box, swings, a slide and a small house. ¡The big garden allowed for us to run all over the place!

After lunch they showed us how to make bread, we could do it on our own and take it home for baking.
After a very long day we returned to school feeling really exhausted, but it was worth it, because we had an incredible time, a day we will never forget.

 ¡Thank you!